10th January 2025

Copyright Info


The Images on this site are NOT copyright free but you are welcome to use them as long as you agree to the following provisions. If you can not agree to these terms then you have no permission to download or use the images on this site.

You Can:

  • Copy these images and use them in your craft projects e.g. making cards, scrap booking etc.
  • Store images you intend to use on your own home computer.
  • Use them in a craft project and then sell theĀ finished item either for charitable or personal gain. (e.g. you can sell the finished card, scrap book or other completed item.)
  • Change or manipulate the images in any way which suites your craft project, this includes re-sizing, cropping or any other enhancements which you deem necessary.

You May Not:

  • Use the images, for any reason, on the Internet e.g. place them in news groups, use them on a web site or such like.
  • Distribute these images by any digital method e.g. CD, Disc, DVD, Email, or any other digital means.
  • Distribute the images “as are”. They can only distributed in context of a finished craft item. (This means you can not print off the images and distribute them “as are” on paper either for profit or free).

We have tried to be as fair as possible when defining the exceptions to our copyright which should allow crafters to use the images in their work but protect our ownership of the said images.

Other Peoples Copyright

We have recently started to allow our users to uploads their own papers into the gallery on the site. whilst we have stressed again and again that these may only be made from Public Domain and copyright free artwork (and or the users own illustrations) we realise that mistakes could be made, work marked as public domain when it shouldn’t be etc.

If you believe that any paper on this site breaks your copyright please contact us via the Contact Page giving as many details as possible. We will immediately “suspend” any disputed design and contact the submitter for further information. Should a submitter repeatedly submit papers made from copyright material they will have the uploading facility removed from their account.

If you are in doubt about any of the above please just drop us an email and we will be happy to help you. Include in the email any specific ideas in mind about how you would like to use the images and we will do our best to accommodate you.
