8th October 2024

Pisces Zodiac Chart (New Style).

Pisces Zodiac Chart (New Style).
Pisces Zodiac Chart (New Style).

Pisces Zodiac Chart (New Style).

This is a very simple Pisces Zodiac Chart. It has been created in our new style which means limited colours and clean lines. In fact this particular Pisces Zodiac chart only uses three colours. Given this please feel free to change the colours if you wish. There is no need to stick to our colour scheme if you don’t want to. Just ensure there is a good difference between the two foreground colours and the background one.

The chart contains 3 different symbols for the Pisces Zodiac sign plus the dates it covers, February 20 – March 20. If you know someone who was born under the Pisces sign this would make a great chart.

All the sheets you need for this design are in a single zip folder which you can download by clicking this link:

Click Here to Download.