10th February 2025

Christmas Tree Project. Favour Box


Christmas Tree ProjectWe’ve called this Christmas Tree Project a favour box but it can also be a table decoration or even a hanging decoration. I’ve actually really enjoyed making these and will hopefully be making a few more before Christmas day. There are a range of designs available but the fun comes with what you choose to add yourself, rather like a real Christmas tree. Apart from making them yourself they also make a great project for children. For young children we suggest you make the tree and then let them decorate it. Older children should be able to do the whole Christmas Tree project themselves ( although you may want to do the cutting out for them).

So why not make one or two, pop some sweets into them and place on your Christmas table or mantelpiece if you are lucky enough to still have one.

(we suggest you click the link on the bottom right of the video and view it full screen)


Equipment / Material used to make the Christmas Tree Project

White Card
Glue which will hold card
Craft Knife
Blunt knife (or something else for scoring)

If you want a hanging decoration.

Paper Clip

Decorating the tree.
This is the fun part of the Christmas tree project and you can basically use whatever you want and/or have hanging around the house.

This is another good project for individuals, schools beaver / cub groups and Sunday Schools.

Here are links to the relevant downloads.

The Christmas Tree Project Templates

For those who don’t want to sit through the video here is a summery of the Christmas Tree project

  1. You will need to Download and print two copies of the template for the design you want to use. Even if you are making one of the coloured designs we strongly suggest you download and print off one copy of the plain design as well. It is much easier to see the cut/fold marks on the pain design so print a copy off onto paper for reference (or have it up on you computer screen)
  2. Cut the two haves of the tree out and score the fold lines
  3. Fold and glue the four bottom sections. Which way round you do this will depend which design you are using. All the coloured ones will need to be folded/glued so the colour if on the outside. If you are doing the plain white one it is best to fold it so the guideline end up on the inside.
  4. Glue the two halves together using the large tab. Make sure that ends up on the inside.
  5. Glue the two small bottom pieces inside one of the larger bottom pieces (seriously that is easier to see in the video!).
  6. Now is the time to choose what you are going to do with the tree. If you are going to use it as a hanging decoration then is is tile to add a hanger made from a paper clip (opened slightly) and a loop of cotton. If it is going to be a table decoration you may want wo place a bit of weight inside, I used a few coins.
  7. As a present box which can be opened then you can basically finish here. When you want to close the present up you should just be able to tuck in the large flap left at the bottom and the last long tab at the side (add a bit of tape is the present is heavyish).
  8. For the hanging and table decorations you should now be able to glue the last to part, the large bottom bit and the second long tab down the side.

Decorating the Christmas Tree Project
The decoration is really the fun bit,l well it’s the bit I enjoyed the most. I used a range of materials I had lying around the house. Some plastic rhinestones, foil stars, glitter etc. Basically you can go to town and decorate it how you wish. I do suggest, if you are using the white/blank template then you start by giving it a good coat of paint.

The final image on the right is a little different. It’s the “blue” design which I made as a present box so it could be opened and closed. I pricked holes in the tree using a needle. Finally I put an battery powered night-light inside (please not it MUST be battery/electric powered and very small. Under no circumstances use a real nightlight or a stong/hot bulb).

We hope you enjoy this Christmas Tree project, please do take a look at the others on our Projects Page.