8th September 2024

Updated Cross Stitch Charts.

New Style Updated Cross Stitch Charts.
New Style Updated Cross Stitch Charts.

Updated Cross Stitch Charts.

We have had lots of comments about our free cross stitch charts over the years. Some positive, some not so much! One of the common issues has been that the charts are a bit over complicated at times, even the simple cartoon ones e.g. that there are far too many colours used in a small area of the charts.

We hope we have now resolved this issue as we have created a new way of making the charts. This new method includes a lot of “pre-conversion” work, reducing the number of pixels and colours in each image. The method will suit some image more than others. It will work well with cartoon style images and emblems etc but  it won’t work so well with photographs or painting etc. Images with a lot of detail.

Comparison of old and new style cross stitch charts.
Original Style Chart on left compared to New Style on right.

So as a result we will be going back through our collection and redoing many of the images, the ones we think will suit the new style.  We will keep the older version of the chart on the site as well so you will have a choice of which one to use. When doing a new image we will choose which style will suit it most. From now on images with the words “New Version” or “New Style” in the title will be of the simpler type.

Brewster Singer/Guitar New Version.

We know this new style won’t suit everyone but we’d love to hear your comments so please feel free to add any you have to the bottom of this post. Alternatively, if you prefer for your comments to remain private, you can use the “contact us” form. We are looking forward to bringing you lots more charts this year, both updated older one and brand new ones.